June 21, 2024

7 Methods to Connect Facebook Pixel to Your Shopify Store

Trackify X Team

Significance of Facebook Pixel for Shopify Store Owners

Facebook pixel integration allows you, as a store owner, to track your ads performance by keeping track of user actions on your website from the clicks from your Facebook ads campaigns. These statistics allow you to know which ads bring the target actions and which need to be relooked at. Facebook will look for an audience with a high probability of taking the same actions. It also allows your ads to reach new potential clients by targeting those with behaviors similar to those of previously successful conversions. It will increase the market while also improving ad conversions.

Below are the step-by-step methods to integrate this feature into your Shopify.

To have this feature running, add it to your header on the website code or install it via a secondary tool. Once installed, the codes will run in the background, collecting data and sending it to Facebook, which is used in Facebook ads manager. Connect Facebook Pixels to Shopify through these seven methods.

Direct Integration Through Shopify Admin

Instructions on accessing this feature from Facebook from Shopify's admin panel. To install it in your Shopify, follow the following steps:

  • Download and install the Facebook Sales Channel app on your Shopify store.
  • Go to Shopify Admin, then Online Store, navigate Preferences, and click Set Up Facebook.
  • Authorize your Facebook Business Manager account and choose the Pixel.
  • Choose Maximum to share a wide range of data, FB Pixel Settings, then Automated Advanced Matching. Adjust all the settings and turn all fields on.
  • Finally, you must adjust the import settings on your Facebook Business Manager. Go to Events Manager>Pixels Settings.

Step-by-Step Guide on Entering Pixel ID and Activating the Connection

To discover your ID, navigate to your event manager, choose your business account, and select ID in Data Sources. To add your ID to Shopify, navigate to 'Choose Partners' and click on Shopify. Return to your Facebook account, click 'I've completed the setup on Shopify,' then click 'Next.' If you follow all the steps correctly, your ID will be added to your Shopify website.

To check if it's working, ensure that you see the 'Active' status, and you can see the Facebook analytics section.

The Common Issues of Direct Integration are:

The Shopify Facebook pixel is not working. It usually occurs when there is a problem during the setup. Check to ensure that you've validated accurately.

Unavailable product ID. It can happen when you use different apps for product feeds. To solve this, use native integration.

Using the Facebook Channel App

Facebook Channel app allows you to connect your accounts quickly and instantly synchronizes your items for advertisements on Facebook. The app has the following features:

Create Audiences. It allows you to use marketing resources to attract clients via Facebook without having to leave Shopify.

Easy Sales Management. Keep track of your inventories, monitor approved goods, and handle any product challenges on the platform.

The procedure to set up via the app:

  1. Set up your Facebook Channel app account on Shopify
  1. Connect Facebook in Shopify accounts and business pages
  1. Connect your catalogue
  1. Enter the name
  1. Enter the website URL and click continue
  1. Click verify the connection and check to ensure that you have active status.

Employing Trackify for Enhanced Integration

Trackify creates audiences based on tags and collections for any product. It allows you to build look-alike audiences based on niche, time, and real-time data. Further, it allows you to:

  • Track purchases on your website
  • Create a custom audience
  • Create Reliable Reports

Guide on integration on Shopify

Tap on the Integrations menu and scroll down to Trackify. Press the' Connect+' button to enable Trackify integration.

Manual Code Implementation

  1. In Shopify Admin, scroll to 'Themes'
  1. Click 'Edit code' and find the theme liquid file
  1. Now paste your Code and close head tag

These are the tips for ensuring proper code placement and testing

Use the correct code for the specific ad account; if you have several accounts and cases where you have multiple Shopify accounts, separately add the codes to each store. Each store requires its unique code.

Utilizing Google Tag Manager

Benefits of using Google Tag Manager for integration

  • Management of all tags in one place.
  • Access to a variety of testing tools.
  • Immediate deployment of tracking codes.

Step-by-Step Guide on Setting Up Via Google Tag Manager

  1. Login to your Google Tag Manager account, select your website's container, and click 'Add new tag.'
  1. Tab on 'Custom HTML tag and enter the name of your tag.
  1. Go to Meta events manager, select Add Events, and tap on 'From a new website.'
  1. Select 'Install code manually.'
  1. Select 'Copy Code' to copy the pixel code.
  1. Return to Google Tag Manager and paste the code into the HTML container.
  1. Click 'Advanced Settings,' scroll down, and select 'Once per page' on the 'tag firings' section.
  1. On 'Fire on,' select 'All Pages' and then 'Create tag.'

The Most Popular Third-Party Apps Available for Shopify

WinsAds, FBTrack App, Omega App, and On Facebook App.

These third-party apps provide ease in the data collection process, end-to-end review of data to verify data, and live system testing. When choosing the app for integration into your Shopify website, you should consider the following:

Traffic Objective  

Check the number of app users.

Engagement Objective  

Lets you encourage the users to pay more.

Sales Objective  

Find an app that has people who are most likely to buy.

Leads Objective  

Collect leads for your business.

Advanced: Multi-Pixel Setup for Large Stores

It is good to run one code for one store. Facebook codes work with data, and when you use one code in all the stores, it will get different types of data and mix them into one Pixel. You will then find it hard when you are running ads. Facebook will find it hard to get the appropriate audience for your ads and will, therefore, mix up, which will not be effective.

Access your theme code. Log in to your Shopify admin panel, Online store>themes, and click the action button next to the theme code you want to edit and select edit. Locate your theme—liquid File. In the theme editor, click on 'theme. Liquid'. Insert your codes. To add multiple codes, insert additional codes below the first one.

Trackify allows you to manage complex code setups effectively. Follow the procedure below.

  • Create a new Universal Analytics property on the site.
  • Copy your tracking ID.
  • Go to the Event Section.
  • Under the Marketing area, click on Tracking pixels.
  • On the section of Google Universal Analytics, tab Add new Pel.
  • Choose between one event or all the events.
  • Paste the tracking ID that you copied in step 1.
  • Save the changes. Repeat this for the other pixels.

Trackify offers real-time data and statistics to boost your business analytics. Trackify offers excellent customer support with 24/7 email customer support. The Trackify app also provides articles and videos to help you. The app has an overall rating of 5/5 based on 800 reviews on the Shopify App Store. Use Trackify to Track Analytics quickly and Easily. Visit our website or call our customer service assistants today.