September 14, 2021

Get The Most Out Of Your Facebook Pixel This Holiday Season With Trackify X For Shopify

Where has this year gone again? With so much happening in eCommerce and with Facebook marketing in 2021 in general, we're feeling energized for the big events and mad rush during the holiday shopping season. In the spirit of getting your marketing program holiday-ready, we have outlined everything you need to know A-Z about Facebook marketing analytics including pixels, tracking, and how to best use the data to optimize your campaigns.

Let's start with the basics - what is a Facebook Pixel?

A Facebook pixel is a type of "tracking script" that contains information about audience behavior on your eCommerce store. It can connect data about your products, and the progress of visitors on their journey from visiting your store to buying something and connect that data with specific Facebook users. As such, the script has important functions for retargeting specific users who have or have not taken specific actions, as well as leveraging specific audiences into high-performing "Lookalike" audiences.

There are 3 things to know about what pixels do:

1. Firing

2. Tracking

3. Optimizing


Unless a pixel "fires," it can't do any of the other two functions. It's up to you to make sure your pixels are firing in the right places to collect data that is useful including all pages of your Shopify store and any links you control. Some pixels fire all of the time which you sort out with tracking and others fire only under certain conditions. For this reason, tracking is essential in understanding what is happening at all times with the data provided in your pixels that can help navigate ROAS.


Tracking is a filtering feature that you can apply to a pixel that is firing. In some (rare) cases you might like to log every pixel fire in the same place. Most of the time, merchants will want to track only a select amount of pixel fire events so they can be attributed to a certain event. For example, with a custom audience pixel, merchants will want to filter the pixel fires that occur on a specific URL to build a specific Custom Audience of visitors of that page only.


Optimizing based on a pixel is one step up from tracking. An ad set can only be optimized for a single event at a time. The pixel selected for optimization also has to be tracked by the ads in that ad set. The easiest way to think about optimization is that when you use your pixels, you're allowing Facebook to get personalized feedback about what kind of people click on your specific ads and take certain actions down your marketing funnel.

Okay, now that we've gotten the basics out of the way, let's talk about what tool is available to help you track, optimize and conquer your ROAS for this holiday season. We know that Facebook's ad costs are at an all-time high so all hands are on deck to ensure you are getting the biggest bang for your buck. We have you covered with Trackify X for Shopify. Ready for the reasons why you need this solution?


Trackify X has a lot of features and benefits for Shopify merchants looking to track a single pixel to enterprise marketing programs scaling to 7-figure businesses.

Better Data for Scaling

Firstly, Trackify X generates better event data for more powerful audiences. You can use these audiences for retargeting, and leverage lookalike audiences to find more buyers looking for your products which is the end goal for scaling.

In addition, Trackify Analytics reports give you more detailed insights about the performance of your products, tags, collections, and pixels than you can not get anywhere on Facebook or Google Analytics. And also, you can use UTM tags on your Facebook Ads and you can even see more attributed conversions there than in Ads Manager reports! And an added bonus is having Backup pixels that give you peace of mind in case you should lose access to a pixel on Facebook.


Trackify X integrates seamlessly with many page builder and checkout funnel apps such as Zipify Pages and OCU, Carthook, Intercart, Checkout-X, Shopipay, PageFly, Gem Pages, and more. With Trackify, all events on your Shopify product pages that these apps generate give you granular insights into what is driving the most revenue to optimize around in your Facebook marketing programs.

Trackify sends more parameters than the basic Shopify pixel integration. You can see these examples, for purchase events, Shopify basic integration sent only 5 parameters and Trackify sent 13 parameters.. also we are sending more advance matching parameters. Recently we started sending fbp, fbc, and external IDs for SS purchase events, which should definitely boost the tracking.

Shopify basic integration

Trackify integration

Our awesome support is always here to offer you the best service. If you ever have any concerns about confusing messages on Facebook or Shopify, we pride ourselves on providing better answers (check out some of our 5-star reviews...) Our support is not limited only to how to use Trackify. We are at the ready with advice and suggestions for all your Facebook ads and Shopify-related questions.

Start your 7-day trial today