July 1, 2021

Importance of UTM Tags to Overcome iOS Changes

Have you ever wondered how to unleash the power of Google Analytics to find out everything you'd ever want to know about your traffic and conversions from Facebook ads?

Google Analytics is the behemoth of analytics tools, but as with so many things that Google makes, it’s kind of hard to make it work well and pry the information that you need out of it.

There are three key steps to using Google Analytics the right way

1. First is setting up your conversion goals which are simple enough. It can be pretty intimidating again because things aren't necessarily where you expect them to be in just about anything that Google makes. You need to set up your goals first; otherwise, Google won't track your conversions and then you know all the traffic of all the incoming tracking of the incoming traffic is only worth so much if you can't see the conversions now.


2.Second step is the complicated part, and that is to tag your traffic with UTM parameters as much as possible.

3. Third and the final step is digging into the reports to analyze the results. The reporting should be as user-friendly as possible so you're not having to compile multiple spreadsheets to track the progress of your ad spend.

What Are UTM Tags?

UTM parameters are a string of gobbledygook that Google uses to

classify, categorize, and analyze the traffic that comes into your Shopify store.

The UTM parameter is a crucial second step in fully understanding exactly where your traffic is coming from and what is converting to sales.

Can we use UTM tags for Dynamic Product Ads?

Yes, brands use UTM tags on Facebook advertising if you are driving traffic from different ads to the same post id. When you do this, you can set up different conversion events by tracking organic traffic and conversions for each post, and paid traffic and conversions for each ad, ad set, and campaign!

What Expectations Should Brands Have for Tracking UTM Tags on Facebook Ads?

There seems to be an over-expectation on the tracking features of the Facebook Pixel and Facebook reports in general. They are not supposed to track all conversions on your campaigns. FB reports are only tracking traffic and conversions from paid impressions, not organic impressions!

Think about it in terms of Adwords: You wouldn't expect Adwords stats to show results from organic Google searches. You need a different tool to track all traffic and conversions. With Google Adwords, of course, there is its BFF, Google Analytics. That seems natural. But there is no such tool within Facebook.So... use Google Analytics for that, too. All you need to do is use utm-tags in the URL tag field in your ads.

What do UTM Tags look like for Facebook ads?

UTM_source: Facebook

UTM_medium: Catret

UTM_campaign: Product slug (URL)

UTM_content: any rr-track tags that are added to the product


How to do this with Trackify X?

The first layer is built into our Trackify catalog feed as all product links are outfitted with a default set of UTM tags. You can check them in your feed. For example:


The 2nd layer can be used by entering UTM tags into the URL tags field in the DPA ads. These values (id used) will overwrite the default values that are in the feed.


The easiest way to use UTM Tags is by adding the parameter to the tag such as: utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=DPA-ATC30-notpur-60

You can also use the shortcode merge fields provided by Facebook. We use the standard string as seen in the image above. Here it is so you can easily copy and paste it:


One of the most important features of the tags in the feed is that utm_campaign is used for the product slug, which allows you to identify the product that was clicked in a DPA ad. This is impossible if you are not using dynamic UTM tags in the feed itself. To make use of this feature you should ensure that you don't overwrite the utm_campaign value in the URL tags field!

How Trackify Helps You Gain Granular Insights into the Performance of These UTM Tags

The hardest part is step two of tagging the links and that's precisely where Trackify X comes in and helps you out. We've built an easy link tagger into our system where we automatically track the UTM data from the customer's URL. Trackify X grabs the UTM raw data and sends analytics value to our system where it is being refined to get the exact numbers that are helpful to our clients.

You can check the UTM reports directly inside the Trackify analytics section. The information is broken down based on event types and sorted through based on UTM parameters like Source, Medium, campaign, content, keyword, ID, or source/medium together. You can specify the date range to monitor results within certain periods and use them to increase your conversions.

How Trackify Helps with UTM Tracking

UTM is a very useful way of tracking your ad spend that requires very little setup. Once you add UTM parameters to every single ad in your Facebook ad account, attribution in the analytics section within Trackify for Shopify gives you far more granular insights into what is happening beyond what is available in Facebook ads manager.

Find out for yourself and unlock the powers of Trackify's pixel data.

Start your free 7-Day trial today!